
Corporate Governance

Jungarni-Jutiya is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation, Incorporated under the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations, and is governed by an elected Board of Directors which meets every four weeks.

Members can:

  • Suggest ways to improve the organisation
  • Attend general meetings (where all members get together). There is at least one of these every year – the Annual General Meeting
  • Propose and vote on resolutions (rules on how the membership and organisation operates)
  • Vote for directors (the leaders of the organisation)
  • Nominate to become a director

Members must:

  • Treat other members with respect
  • Follow the Rule Book

Are you 18 years old or over?

Do you normally live in the Shire of Halls Creek?

Are you an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person or the spouse of such a person?

If you said yes to all three questions you may be eligible to be a member

  1. Fill out an Application for Membership. This will include your name, address and signature
  2. The Board of Directors need to accept your membership
  3. The Board will then notify you about whether you have been accepted or not
  • It is free to be a member
  • You can cancel your membership at any time
  • The Board of Directors can cancel your membership if you can’t be contacted for two years or you misbehave

Become a member

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